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So I’ve been hobby if since 3rd Ed 40k dropped in 1998. I was 10 years old and couldn’t get enough of the lore. My voracity for more led me to WHFB, Mordheim, Inquisitor and Necromunda when I won a blister pack of 3 Delaque white metal gangers. Campaigns at the GW store were short lived as 40k & WHFB took centre stage at the weekends.

Then I  moved away from the town, discovered girls and ended up giving away my collections to family friends (worth a literal fortune these days!).

Roll on 2017 when I discovered a new edition of Necromunda was releasing. I rushed out and bought a copy and fell in love with the hobby all over again.

I found Rosco on a Facebook group and he told me about Guildford Games Club. I went down in 2019 and immediately wanted to delve into the lore of Guilders-Ford with Dixie. I’ve been  a club member ever since and now we’ve started podcasting. What new adventures await us?!

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I've been playing Necromunda since it appeared in 1995 and have been a member of Guilders-Ford from basically the beginning.  

The Redemption is where it's at for me - Chad and the First Church of the Flaming Coneheads are my zelots of choice.....  although i'm flirting with the Ash Wastes Nomads

I'm all about narrative, I can't stand WAAC or min/maxing... and competitive play is an absolute NOPE...